All parents want the very best for their children. We want the top teachers and athletic coaches, we give them guitar and piano lessons, and braces for their teeth. Anything we can do to give them the best start so that they can find their way in this crazy world and hopefully have a wonderful life.
Unfortunately, I honestly believe one of the most important things a parent can do for their child has been greatly neglected. Not because of a lack of caring, but more of not knowing and misunderstanding.
If I were to tell you that there is a completely natural way to strengthen your child’s immune system, improve their ability to focus, and allow their body to function optimally, of course you would do it. Right?
Did you know that there is a condition called a “vertebral subluxation” that can decrease your child’s potential, makes them more susceptible to illness, and decreases their overall ability to function?
When a subluxation is present, our nervous system is greatly impaired and unable to function the way that it is supposed to.
According to Grey’s Anatomy textbook, “the nervous system controls and coordinates ALLorgans and structures of the human body.”
Well, how does a child get one of those sub a.., submarine.., subluxations?
Subluxations are often caused by trauma. I know what you are thinking, “My child has never had any trauma.” One of the most traumatic things that we all have gone through is being born. In a “normal” delivery there is between 60 to 90lbs of pulling force on a baby’s head and neck.
According to Dr. Guttman M.D., when looking at over 1000 infants shortly after their birth, over 80% of the infants sustained trauma to their cervical spine, which resulted in vertebral subluxtion.
Associated symptoms ranged from movement and developmental impairment to lowered resistance to infections, especially to ear, nose and throat infections.(Blocked atlantal nerve syndrome in babies and Infants Manulle Medizin 1987 25)
Every child has experienced hundreds of slips and falls. From learning to walk, riding a bike, surfing, skateboarding, sports injuries, and just plain old being a kid. Considering all of this, it is easy to see where a child’s subluxations arise from.
“How do I know if my child has a subluxation?”
In our office, we combine state of the art computerized technology and a very detailed examination to determine if subluxation is present, and if so, to what degree it is affecting the nervous system. Only a chiropractor has been trained to detect and correct subluxation.
To put things simply, children that are free of subluxation are healthier, happier, more focused, and are able to reach their full potential both mentally and physically.
Birth is a beautiful natural process. Unfortunately it has been turned into a medical procedure. Many children are born with forceps or vacuums creating as much as 40 to 70lbs of pulling and tension on their neck. Even in “normal” births there is a lot of twisting and rotation of the head and neck of the baby. This can disrupt the delicate structures in the upper cervical part of the neck. In chiropractic we call this trauma a subluxation. Subluxation causes nerve irritation. Our nervous system controls every function in the body. If we have interference to our nervous system we will not be able to grow or develop with our full potential.
Is Chiropractic Safe for a Baby?
Very. The amount of pressure we use when adjusting a baby is no more than you would put if pushing on your own eye. It is very gentle, and effective. In our office we use very gentle and specific adjustments with no twisting or rotation. Some of the many symptoms that are often helped when subluxation is corrected are; colic, reflux, latching problems, immune issues, digestive difficulties, and many more.
At our Encinitas chiropractic office we are not treating any of the above conditions, we remove interference from the nervous system so that the body can function the way it was designed to. When the body is free of interference to the nervous system, it is able to fully function and develop the way it is supposed to. If you want your child to live a life free of interference, call Encinitas chiropractor Dr. Ryan Caringola today!
During pregnancy a woman’s body changes significantly. A shift in weight distribution of the abdomen growing forward will pull the lower back forward as well. The shoulders and mid-back will often pull back in the opposite direction to compensate for this change, and the head and neck often will tilt forward. The body will also produce several hormones that assist in loosening the surrounding connective tissues. Any preexisting issues with alignment or stress to the spine will often be exacerbated by these new changes. If no problems were present prior to pregnancy, they often can develop as the body changes to compensate for the growth of the baby.
As a Webster technique certified chiropractor, and a Gonstead trained chiropractor, Dr. Ryan Caringola will be able to fully asses and gently adjust for any pelvic, sacral, and sacroiliac dysfunction that may be contributing to a painful pregnancy and that could possibly cause a difficult delivery. A properly aligned pelvis allows for sufficient space for the developing baby and for a quicker easier delivery. In addition the entire spine will be evaluated for vertebral subluxation and nerve irritation. An optimally functioning mother free of nerve irritation will contribute much to the health of her baby.
Dr. Ryan Caringola uses great care to ensure the most accurate, safe and painless adjustment possible. The Gonstead adjustment is so safe, care can continue until the day of delivery. Special adjusting tables and modifications are made to accommodate each stage of pregnancy. Regular chiropractic care, in combination with other healthy habits, provides the best opportunity for a healthy, happy baby.